
This list of articles and other texts used during my research project will be updated as new materials come along and will be maintained to the best of my ability.

Adams, Colin. The Knot Book. American Mathematical Society, 2004. Print

Baez, John. “This Week’s Finds in Mathematical Physics (Week 233) .” John Baez’s Stuff. Department of Mathematics University of California Riverside, 20 May 2006. Web. .

Baker, Ken. “Double Branched Covers of Rational Tangles and the Montesinos Trick.” sketches of topology. N.p., 25 Jan 2008. Web. 2 Mar. 2012.

Bigelow, Stephen. “Braid Groups Are Linear.” Journal of the American Mathematical Society. 14. (2000): 471-486. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. .

Goldman, Jay, and Louis Kaufman. “Rational Tangles.” Advances In Applied Mathematics. 18 (1997): 300-332. Print.

Ozawa, Makoto. “Rational Structure on Algebraic Tangles and Closed Incompressible Surfaces in the Complements of Algebraically Alternating Knots and Links.”

Additional resources for the curious:

The Knot Atlas

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