Bisquick and Levi’s

A lot was covered last Friday in terms of pushing the project in a new direction. First – in what was admittedly quite the aside – I learned from Dr. Errthum what exactly a “pair of pants” was in topological context. If I didn’t love topology before, I sure do now.

More importantly, I found a paper on algebraic tangles that I felt was well worth delving into. After reviewing it Dr. Errthum agreed, and we spent today’s meeting discussing what we each did and did not immediately understand from our own readings, and then worked through what we could bit by bit. The paper was Makoto Ozawa’s “Rational Structure On Algebraic Tangles and Closed Incompressible Surfaces in the Complements of Algebraically Alternating Knots and Links”. What interested me in this paper was Ozawa taking the idea of “slope” of an algebraic tangle being a rational number \frac{p}{q} and showing that there exists a map \phi from algebraic tangles onto the rationals that displayed the group structure of the rationals.

The slope of an algebraic tangle is the first major hurdle in our journey to understanding this paper, and it’s proving to be quite the intriguing challenge. As was stated previous, tangles are defined by an open ball around them in a knot or link. We’re going to call this open ball B and the tangle itself T. In topology there is something known as a Cover, a collection of subsets of a space X such that the union over these subsets is equivalent to X. A Double Covering is similar, except that it is a two-to-one map from one space to another, and a Universal Covering maps to all coverings and the space those covers cover. See for more information (and a “stack of pancakes”, which I found amusing). Ozawa states that there exists a map d:S^1\times S^1 \rightarrow \partial B that shows S^1\times S^1 is a double covering of $\partial B$, the boundary of our ball B that defines our tangle*. Since \mathbb{R}^1 is the universal covering of S^1, we know that there exists a map u from \mathbb{R}^1 \times \mathbb{R}^1 = \mathbb{R}^2 to S^1 \times S^1 that is the universal covering of S^1 \times S^1. By the definition of universal covering then, there exists a map P:\mathbb{R}^2 \rightarrow \partial B showing that \mathbb{R}^2 is a covering of \partial B.

With me so far? If not that’s okay, at this stage I’m still rather confused too.

We define \partial T as the boundary of our tangle – the 4 points on \partial B where our tangle intersects the open ball. So \partial T \subset \partial B, thus P must map some subset of \mathbb{R}^2 to \partial T. Ozawa states that P^{-1}(\partial T) maps \partial T to (\frac{\mathbb{Z}}{2}\text{, }\frac{\mathbb{Z}}{2}) – the set of pairs of integers divided by 2.

We’re almost to the slope of an algebraic tangle! There exists a loop on the ball B called an Essential Loop that divides \partial B into two pieces with two intersection points from \partial T on each piece. Symbolically we refer to essential loops as C \subset  \partial B -\partial T. If this is a loop on the meridian B we call it a meridian essential loop or m-essential loop, whereas if it is on the longitude we call it a longitude-essential loop or l-essential loop. P^{-1}(C) maps the essential loop to a bunch of parallel lines of slope \frac{p}{q} where p,q \in \mathbb{Q}. (For the m-essential loop we get \frac{p}{q} = \frac{1}{0} and for the l-essential loop we get \frac{p}{q} = \frac{0}{1}.) And THAT is the slope of our algebraic tangle!

At the moment it’s sort of a vague understanding of what’s going on, but my assignment for the next meeting is to find explicit maps for what I can of d, u, and P, so that we can get a better understanding of how this all fits together, and actually compute the slopes of some algebraic tangles. It sounds pretty tough, but I’m pretty excited about where this is going, and feel up to the challenge

*For more information on double coverings involving torii and tangles see:

About rationaltangela

I am a mathematics student at Winona State University with interests in music, board games, comic books, and mathematics - in particular topology, number theory, and knot theory.
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